Representing Images
Lesson Instructions
Watch and follow the YouTube video, the lesson contains three parts:
Key Information and content - all you need to do here is watch and listen
Learning activity - this activity is a fill in the blanks with a review
Consolidation - this is a past exam question and is for deliberate practice to check your understanding.

Task - Fill in The Blanks
Task - Exam Questions - Deliberate Practice
Mark Scheme
1 mark per bullet to max 3.
Image made of / split up into pixels
Each pixel given a binary code...
...which represents the colour of that pixel
Each colour is given a different/unique binary code.
Metadata stored alongside the image
BP1 needs idea of picture made up of pixels, not just mention of the word “pixel”
Not enough to say “each colour is given a binary code”, must have the idea of this being unique or different for each different colour.
Accept examples of metadata such as height/width, geolocation, etc. Do not accept file size/file name.